I love working in this seaside garden in east Devon. Being only two hundred metres from the sea it is important to select and manage plants correctly. Most plants are either from the Mediterranean islands or from New Zealand and Japan or countries with similar climates. Plants with waxy tough leaves such as Pittosporum and Phormium (from New Zealand) and Lavender (Mediterranean) and Echium (Madeira) or those with essential oils including Lavender and Rosemary do well in these conditions.

It is the waxy covering, oils and thick leathery nature of these leaves that enables these plants to thrive in the salty, windswept environment of the seaside garden.

If you want to learn more about gardening in extreme coastal conditions then i can highly recommend this book, “Gardening on the Edge” by Peter Clough. The book draws upon the experience of some of Cornwall’s most experienced and well known gardeners.


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