Planting design should complement existing site features and character of a garden. Planting must also work well with any new materials. This latest planting design project near Sidmouth in East Devon is now complete. The scheme mixes traditional coastal planting with clean lines of Niwaki pruned specimens. This traditional method of pruning from Japan, (Niwaki meaning garden tree), brings maturity to young specimens. Here we have used Myrtles and Japanese black pines provided by Andy Rowse.
The large open area of formal paving is open to views to the sea resulting in high levels of exposure to the salt laden winds. Using pruned specimens with in the paving adds drama and impact. The combination of exposure and presence of deer and rabbits had significant influence on plant selection which adds character and identity to the site. Plants including herbaceous geranium, euphorbia and Olearia were used as they are unpalatable to deer and rabbits. Phormium, thrift and agapanthus were selected for their maritime qualities.