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Adding some tropical planting to the garden can bring it to life. Using large leaves of foliage plants like Hosta, Canna, Innula and larger grasses and bamboo bring a tropical touch to whole or a small part of a planting scheme. Height and drama are a strong part of a tropical planting scheme. Use of quick growing plants with larger leaves adds to the drama and builds a sense of scale. Larger plants such as palms and tree ferns can be used to create a sense of mystery and wonder and lead you through the landscape to discover hidden treasures within the garden.

This scheme in east Devon uses the drama of large Cordyline palm trees with the foliage and purple flower spikes of Echium candicans to bring a tropical touch to this coastal garden. Gardens such as Abbotsbury Tropical Garden in Dorset, The Lost Gardens of Heligan in Cornwall and Logan Botanic Garden in Scotland all use tropical themes within their planting to add drama and build a sense of place and identity.

Rupert Bannister

Author Rupert Bannister

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