With careful selection designing with grasses can provide interest all year round. From fresh and vibrant new spring growth to the rusty oranges and browns of autumn foliage. Architectural seed…
The very phrase poppy appeal instantly stirs emotions in us all. Managing our landscapes can have significant impact on both social interaction, the ‘feel good’ factor and environmental benefits. The…
Making use of plant fibres in these Phormium leaves to tie them selves in bundles. These sword like leaves have great ammount of uses in traditional culture of the New…
Some times you just have to give in and enjoy the moment generally better with friends and family! Devon got a good dump this week thanks to the #BEASTFROMTHEAST
I just love the light at this time of the year flooding through the naked trees!
One of the best things about being a gardener is being out when and sometimes before, the sun comes up and the mist lies across the fields.
Cut down self seeders like Digitalis to ensure you don’t get inundated next year making sure to leave some to keep the next generation going!
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