The subject of gardens & mental health could not be more applicable at this time of change and uncertainty. Having access to a garden of area of outdoor space was…
With careful selection designing with grasses can provide interest all year round. From fresh and vibrant new spring growth to the rusty oranges and browns of autumn foliage. Architectural seed…
Getting the best from your plants All plants have their special characters, these can be best displayed and emphasised by careful management and specialist pruning. These plants can be free…
Making use of plant fibres in these Phormium leaves to tie them selves in bundles. These sword like leaves have great ammount of uses in traditional culture of the New…
We grow some plants that are just not used to being covered in snow! This Agave from the Americas is used to hot dry conditions, some of the spiked leaves…
Some times you just have to give in and enjoy the moment generally better with friends and family! Devon got a good dump this week thanks to the #BEASTFROMTHEAST
Coastal planting can be impressive but requires some thought and planning. Try to match plants that come from coastal areas in their native countries like the Phormiums of New Zealand. These…
The new patio at this East Devon property beautifully complements the informal style of the house and surrounding garden & landscape. The canopy of the Parottia persica and Japanese Acer…
Good tools make any job easier and in some cases an absolute pleasure like these traditional Japanese shears from Niwaki, check out their website, I promise you won’t be disappointed!
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